Avilla LaOtto Charity Group

Avilla Christmas Charities - Avilla LaOtto Charity Group

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Avilla Christmas Charities (Avilla LaOtto Charity Group) is a group of dedicated and hardworking volunteers from the Avilla Chamber membership, invested residents of Avilla, and volunteers from the churches of St. Mary of the Assumption, Immanuel Lutheran, and Avilla Calvary United Methodist.  This group works as a Christmas bureau and raises funds throughout the year with the help of local businesses and groups, collects much-needed items such as hats, gloves, food, and toys to be able to help provide a joyful Christmas to children and families in the Avilla and LaOtto community.  On the first Sunday of each November, we co-coordinate an annual turkey dinner at St. James Restaurant. 

All applications are reviewed so that we may appropriately verify applicants and better serve families who need assistance. 


The deadline for submitting an application (postmarked by date) is November 1st, 2024.  If you do not wish to mail in an application, you can drop one off during normal business hours at the Avilla Town Hall, or NCPL Avilla, or at Farmers and Merchants Bank in LaOtto.

If you submit an application, you will be contacted to let you know the status of your application and will be contacted about delivery/pick-up information.

**Please Note** If you have applied for assistance through Avilla Christmas Charities for three or more consecutive years, or three of the last five years, this form must be accompanied by a one-page letter indicating why you continue to be in need of assistance and a copy of last years tax return. Applications from persons who have applied for three or more consecutive years will not be accepted until this information is provided.

This application must be completed and dropped off at the Town Hall, Farmers Merchant Bank in LaOtto Avilla Library or mailed to the Avilla LaOtto Charity Group PO Box 281 Avilla, IN 46710 by November 1st to be considered. The application must be completed by an adult and must have a current telephone number (or message number) and address. Anyone providing false or incomplete information will be denied.

Applications should be postmarked no later than November 1st, 2024.

The application deadline for 2024 has expired.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] or 260-323-5643.
Donate today at:
Dollar General- Avilla
Lassus- Avilla
Laotto Brewing-Laotto
Parkers Outlet- Avilla
Farmers & Merchants Bank-Laotto
Community State Bank-Avilla


Avilla LaOtto Charity Group (also known as Avilla Christmas Charities), is a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit organization that accepts monetary donations and items, and items to be sold to raise funds at any time throughout the year. All (100%) of the items donated and funds raised for Avilla Christmas Charities (Avilla LaOtto Charity Group) support the organization and its cause of assisting individuals, couples, and families in need during the Christmas season in the Avilla and LaOtto area. 


Please note that we are renaming this organization as Avilla LaOtto Charity Group, but may do business as Avilla Christmas Charities.

Our organization is made up of the Executive Director, Rhonda Fastiggi, Board Chair, Abby Cole, Treasurer, Kevin Kelly, and the Review Committee.

Avilla Area Chamber | Noble County Indiana
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