Content & Logo Guidelines

To help protect the mission, vision, and integrity of the Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (AKA: Avilla Area Chamber) and its investors and membership, we ask that you abide by the guidelines that follow when using, sharing, copying, printing, publishing, or displaying any content or logos of and/or from Avilla Area Chamber.

Avilla Area Chamber membership investors who are current and in good-standing can request the code for our virtual membership decal by contacting us at [email protected] if they have not already received it by email.

REQUEST CONSENT to the outlined guidelines on this site by sending an email to [email protected].


Any version or form of the Avilla Area Chamber logo must be used in its entirety. It cannot be altered, cropped, colorized, masked, update or remove the background of, made more or less opaque, grey-scaled or rotated, disproportioned (i.e. made taller or wider than it originally exists), printed, added to, or removed from materials, or updated in any other way without the consent and approval of the Avilla Area Chamber.

Any form or version of the Avilla Area Chamber investment/membership badge logo may only be used by investors/members in good standing with the Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. or other approved outlets.

All online use of the Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. logo, no matter what version or form it is in, requires an active and accurate link to the website

Avilla Area Chamber investors/members in good standing may use the investment/membership badge logo, as provided to Avilla Area Chamber investors/members, by the Avilla Area Chamber, which links through code to the website and consent to following the guidelines outlined in the paperwork included with the logo code.

The Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. logo in any variation or form may be used as an indicator of investment/membership only, not an endorsement, may not be displayed as a feature of the design element of any other, or may be used for reasons other than what the designated Chamber staff member has approved.


Content, whether digital in any form or published in any form; writing, print, image, photo, graphic, digital, plaque, award, cling, sticker, voice, video, copied, downloaded form, or any other form from the Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc., must be used in its entirety, and may not be used without consent from a designated Avilla Area Chamber staff member, and must be linked back to, unless otherwise consented to by a designated Avilla Area Chamber staff member.

This includes social media posts, the Avilla Chamber logo, articles, website information, and other copywritten content.

Any use of the references on this webpage, articles, other copyrighted material, or any portion thereof will be a true and exact reproduction of the text in English and an accurate translation.

Separate permission is required for the reuse of photographs and graphics.

Addition or removal of watermarks, logos, backgrounds, and other updates or altercations are not permitted on any Avilla Area Chamber materials, whether digital, video, voice, or print unless otherwise consented to by a designated Avilla Area Chamber staff member.

The reprinted material is not to be presented in any form that would create the impression that the Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. supports or endorses any individual, company, candidate, organization, its products, or the theories and conclusions espoused in a publication.

Print copies must include the following credit line: Originally published (published month) (published year). Reprinted by permission,, (current month) (current year). Copyright© (published year), Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Webpage copies must include the above credit line, and hyperlink the text ” ” to



The Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. reserves the right to terminate or modify permission to display the Avilla Area Chamber logo(s) at any time. The Avilla Area Chamber reserves the right to take action against any user who fails to conform to these policies, infringes any Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. intellectual property or other rights, or violates other applicable laws.

Avilla Chamber of Commerce, Inc. staff will notify the violators of this policy and the details of the specific violation in writing formally requesting compliance with Avilla Area Chamber policy. If the matter is not resolved, staff will refer the matter to the Avilla Area Chamber Executive Director for review. If the Avilla Area Chamber Executive Director deems a violation has occurred, will refer the matter to legal counsel for review and additional action.


Avilla Area Chamber | Noble County Indiana
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