January 4, 2021 Avilla Area Chamber Team
Business Name
Name of Contact Person
Phone Number
Email Address
Website Address
A One-Sentence Summary Goes Here
CITY, STATE — In this paragraph, get right to the point here about why you are writing the press release.
Include an interesting and/or supportive quote or two from relevant people in regards to the subject of your press release. (Be sure your quotes are accurate.)
Next, round out your story with complementary information that you did not mention previously. Include any ticket information, necessary contact, scheduling, or other information needed for the reader to react and/or get involved with your story/news.
About Your Company Name Here: Give a brief background of your company so if the reader has no idea who your company is or what it does, they will know more once reading this section.
NOTE: If you are including images with your press release, note in this space that they are attached. Include information if relevant, about who is pictured or who the image is courtesy of. It is much easier to attach the images for the persons receiving your press release to share it if you send them in this manner, however, you may put them into the write-up to make your press release more cohesive.